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Individual Team Nomination

Details for the next season

  1. DBA registrations will be moving to a new system (PlayHQ) from 2025
  2. The season starts on Friday, 7th February 2025
  3. The early bird team registration is $160 (offer valid till Friday, 17th January 2025, 11:59 pm). The team fees will be $200 after the early bird offer expires.
  4. The DBA fees for the player registrations are:
    1. $150 Early bird Junior fees ($170 after the early bird offer ends)
    2. $130 Early bird Senior fees ($150 after the early bird offer ends)
  5. The early bird offer for player registration is until Tuesday, 31st December 2024, 11:59 pm

DBA By-laws

Please ensure that you and your team members have read the DBA by-laws here and understand the participation by-laws. Any breach of these by-laws might lead to forfeiture of your games.

The most important by-laws to read regarding player registration and participation is 5,6 and 7.


Competitions for next season

Please note – the registration link has been disabled to control the nomination process as the competition has started. Please email with a request once you know which competition to register for, and the link will be made available for registration.

Please note –

  1. Competition nights are reference only and set based on previous seasons. It can change based on the number of team registrations. DBA will communicate with all the registered teams if there are any changes.
  2. Currently, Women Division 5 is closed for registration. If you want to nominate a team for Women Division 5, please select Division 3 or 4 and email with your request. If we have enough teams, we will form a Division 5 (mostly to be played on Wednesday night). UPDATE – No Women Div 5 competition this season
Competitions Played on
Men Division 1 Tuesday (FULL)
Men Division 2 Wednesday
Men Division 3 Discontinued
Men Division 4 Tuesday
Men Division 5 Wednesday (FULl)
Men Division 6 Thursday
Men Division 7 Tuesday
Men Division 8 Thursday
Wheelchair Thursday
Women Division 1 Tuesday
Women Division 2 Monday
Women Division 3 Wednesday
Women Division 4 Thursday (FULl)
Women Division 5 N/A
Women Masters Tuesday

Team & Player Registration

Register your team here for 2025 Challenge Season.

Once you register your team, you will receive an email with a registration link for all your players to register with the team. If you are registered the team and playing in the team, you need to complete a player registration as well.

The minimum age to play in senior competitions is 14 years. Please contact the DBA Office (08) 8945 4666 or to request an exemption if you want anyone younger to play in your team.


Team Uniform

Your team needs to have a basketball uniform (singlets with visible numbers on the back and shorts with no pockets)

Please email a photo/design of your uniform for approval

If your order for uniform is arriving a few weeks left, you need to apply for a uniform exemption with a proof of order and expected delivery date and email it to

If you haven’t ordered a uniform for your team, we would recommend to order reversible singlets (light and dark) so that you can easily switch your uniform if there is a clash with other teams. Please contact the DBA Office (08) 8945 4666 or if you need clarifications on uniforms.




Major Sponsor

Additional Sponsors