Yellow Buttons = Score/Team Fouls/Time Outs = A Light Team
Orange Buttons = Score/Team Fouls/Time Outs = B Dark Team
Green Buttons = Timer
Blue Buttons = Other Functions
Red Buttons = Functions
Yellow and Orange Buttons
For 3 points, please click on score, + 1 x 3 times.
For team fouls, please click on the respective team colour +1
For time-outs, please click on the respective team colour +1
Green Buttons
Press reset after each quarter, to get new quarter set-up
Press start to start timer
Hold to hold the clock
To adjust the clock, click on the adjust, +/- minute or second
Blue Buttons
Error (UNDO Button) – Applies to only scores, team fouls, time-outs) If you press the Error button 3 x times, it will undo the last 3 entries.
Reset – Only when timer has stopped/on hold
New Game – Reset timer, time-outs, team fouls and scores
Team Fouls – Press button once to reset team fouls
Team T/Outs – Press button again to reset time outs
+1P – To add 1 + to which period it is
Possession arrows – To click on which team has possession