DBA Constitution & By-Laws
DBA Player Uniform and penalty points policy
DBA Play by the rules alcohol policy
Codes of Conduct
Reportable Offences Definitions
Consequences of Tribunal Non-Attendance
Complaints & Reporting Process
Social Media Policy
BA Adopted Member Protection Policy
BA Adopted Child Safeguarding Policy
How to make an Integrity Complaint or Report an Incident
Basketball should be a safe and fair place for participants.
Here at Darwin Basketball Association, we offer a safe space for people to share their experiences or to raise concerns about behaviour they’ve witnessed or experienced.
If you have information about alleged discrimination or breaches of Basketball Australia’s Member Protection Policy or Child Safeguarding Policy, you can either ;
Call Darwin Basketball Association during business hours on 08 8945 4666, or
Send us a confidential email to mpo@darwinbasketball.com.au attaching a copy of this form: Integrity Complaint or Report an Incident Form